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Twitter sample

Using the twitter sample bundle

The Twitter timeline bundle retrieves some of the latest tweets from skate702 and printing them to your console.


You will need a working nodecg-io installation. If you have non yet take a look at installation guide. You may need to install this bundle, so take a look at the “Try an included sample”-Guide. It will also tell you how to log in and how to use the GUI.

You also need:

  • An app and their following keys and tokens
    • The API key here oauthConsumerKey
    • The API secret key here oauthConsumerSecret
    • The Access token here oauthToken
    • The Access token secret here oauthTokenSecret


You will need a Twitter developer account ( to get the necessary keys and tokens.

Configure the sample bundle

  1. In NodeCG, create a new twitter service instance.

  2. Enter your Twitter keys and tokens:

        "oauthConsumerKey": "<API key>",
        "oauthConsumerSecret": "<API secret key>",
        "oauthToken": "<Access token>",
        "oauthTokenSecret": "<Access token secret>"

    After entering it, click save.

  3. Set the sample's (twitter-timeline) dependency to be the newly created service instance (of type twitter).

  4. Check the NodeCG logs:

    You should see an error or a success message and up to 50 Twitter messages tweeted by the user that is hardcoded in samples/twitter-timeline/extension/index.ts as screen_name.

Need to know for creating your own twitter bundle

A little description of the twitter client and it's usage

  • The client implements the different API endpoints with two functions

      client.get("<get endpoint name>", params, callback)"<post endpoint name>", params, callback)
      // Instead of callbacks it can be used with promises
        .get("statuses/user_timeline", {screen_name: "skate702"})
        .then((tweets) => /* Do something with the tweets */)
        .catch((error) => /* Handle error */);
      // Or async and await as well
      try {
        const tweets = await client.get("statuses/user_timeline", {screen_name: "skate702"});
        // Do something with the tweets
      } catch (error) {
        // Handle error

A more precise description of what can be done with this twitter client can be found here