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sACN Receiver sample

Using the sACN receiver sample bundle

The sacn-receiver-sample example bundle in samples/sacn-receiver-sample demonstrates the ability receive data send via sACN from e.g., professional lighting consoles. Here is a guide to how to get it working.


You will need a working nodecg-io installation. If you have non yet take a look at installation guide. You may need to install this bundle, so take a look at the “Try an included sample”-Guide. It will also tell you how to log in and how to use the GUI.

You also need:

  • A working sACN sender in the current network

Configure the sACN sample bundle

  1. In NodeCG, create a new sacn-receiver service instance.
  2. Enter the needed options:


    The universes to use. Must be an array with numbers within 1-63999

        "universes": [1, 2, 3]


    Optional. The multicast port to use. All professional consoles broadcast to the default port 5568.

        "universes": [1, 2, 3],
        "port": 5568

    Iface Optional. If the computer is connected to multiple networks, specify which network adaptor to use by using this computer's local IP address.

        "universes": [1, 2, 3],
        "iface": "Network Adapter"

    ReuseAddr Optional. Allow multiple programs on your computer to listen to the same sACN universe.

        "universes": [1, 2, 3],
        "reuseAddr": true

    After entering them, click save.

  3. Set the sample's (sacn-receiver-sample) dependency to be the newly created service instance (of type sacn-receiver).

  4. Check the NodeCG logs:

    You should see data logged.