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In order to download necessary tools and to install nodecg-io using the CLI you need network access.

Required Applications

You'll need the following tools:

  • Git
  • Node.js v14.14.0 or newer
  • npm 7.0.0 or newer
  • NodeCG 1.4.0 or newer (1.7.0 or higher recommended)

Native Build Tools

Some services depend on packages that require native build tools. You ONLY need to install these if you want to use a service that depends on native modules or if you want to install a development version.

The services that require these include StreamDeck, Midi and Serial. Please note that this list might not be up-to-date.

Here's how to install the native build tools on the most popular operating systems, if you need them:

For Windows, you'll need the Visual Studio Build Tools, if you have Visual Studio installed you should already have them. If you don't have Visual Studio just install the Visual Studio Build Tools by running the following command as an Administrator:

npm install -g windows-build-tools

For Linux, you'll need a C++ compiler and some other packages. On Ubuntu/Debian based operating systems run the following command:

sudo apt install build-essential libusb-1.0-0-dev libasound2-dev libudev-dev

For other Linux distros you'll need the corresponding packages, just search on the internet for the packages on your specific distro.

For macOS, you'll need the Xcode command line tools. To install them run the following command:

xcode-select --install

Install the nodecg-io CLI

Install the nodecg-io CLI using the following command:

npm install -g nodecg-io-cli


If you are running on Linux, you may need to use sudo if your npm installation uses a non-writeable path (default on Ubuntu apt packages, usually does not apply to packages installed using nvm)

Install nodecg-io using the nodecg-io CLI


nodecg-io will always be installed into a nodecg-io/ directory inside your NodeCG installation so that your bundles and all bundles from nodecg-io are separated. The CLI will add this path to the loaded bundles in your NodeCG configuration automatically, you don't need to worry about it.

With the nodecg-io CLI installed you can run this command inside a NodeCG installation to install nodecg-io:

$ nodecg-io install
Installing nodecg-io...

You will get a prompt which asks you which version you want to install:

user@computer:~/nodecg$ nodecg-io install
Installing nodecg-io...
Detected nodecg installation at /home/user/nodecg.
? Which version do you want to install? (Use arrow keys) 
❯ 0.1

There are two possible installation types:

  • By selecting an actual version (e.g., 0.1) you create a production install that downloads the required packages from npm and setups a npm workspace to install all dependencies. Here you can choose which services you want to install. Here you can not easily install our premade examples.

  • By selecting development you create a development install that clones the nodecg-io git repo and builds everything from scratch. We only recommend a development install if you are sure that you want to contribute to nodecg-io or want to try an included example. Here you always must install all services and examples.

For starters, we recommend using the development version, so you may try our premade examples.

Because you selected a production install you may select the services to be included in this next step:

user@computer:~/nodecg$ nodecg-io install
Installing nodecg-io...
Detected nodecg installation at /home/user/nodecg.
? Which version do you want to install? 0.1
? Which services do you want to use? (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all,
<i> to invert selection, and <enter> to proceed)
❯◯ ahk
 ◯ android
 ◯ curseforge
 ◯ discord
 ◯ intellij
 ◯ irc
 ◯ midi-input
(Move up and down to reveal more choices)

If you ever want to change your nodecg-io installation to add/remove a service or change the version, you can always re-run nodecg-io install. If it finds a nodecg-io installation, its options will be preselected in the prompt. Re-running nodecg-io install will also update all packages to the latest patch version.

Because you selected a production install you may select to use the samples and documentation to be included in these next steps:

user@computer:~/nodecg$ nodecg-io install
Installing nodecg-io...
Detected nodecg installation at /home/user/nodecg.
? Which version do you want to install? development
? Would you like to use the provided samples? (y/N) 

user@computer:~/nodecg$ nodecg-io install
Installing nodecg-io...
Detected nodecg installation at /home/user/nodecg.
? Which version do you want to install? development
? Would you like to use the provided samples? No
? Would you like to clone the documentation? (y/N) 

If you ever want to change your nodecg-io installation to add/remove the doc repo or add/remove the samples you can always re-run nodecg-io install. Re-running nodecg-io install will also pull the repository and rebuild it.

Continue reading

There are many example bundles premade for most services, so you may take a look at the “Try an included sample”-Guide (It will also tell you how to start NodeCG, log in and how to use the GUI). Or you could directly take a deep dive into our framework and either create a new bundle or integrate an existing bundle. There are other bundles using nodecg-io, witch you could try, so may take a look around GitHub or GitLab.

Uninstall nodecg-io

If you want to uninstall nodecg-io you can run the following command:

nodecg-io uninstall

This will remove the nodecg-io directory inside your NodeCG installation and also will remove it from the loaded bundle paths in your NodeCG configuration.