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TIANE sample

Using the TIANE-Discord sample bundle

The TIANE-Discord example bundle in samples/tiane-discord shows how to make TIANE act as a discord bot. TIANE is a German open source smart home assistant written in python. Here is a guide to how to get it working.


You will need a working nodecg-io installation. If you have non yet take a look at installation guide. You may need to install this bundle, so take a look at the “Try an included sample”-Guide. It will also tell you how to log in and how to use the GUI.

You also need:

  • A working TIANE server installation. (No room client required)
  • a Discord Bot token


If you don't Discord Bot token yet, you can follow this guide.

Configure the TIANE sample bundle

  1. Edit the file samples/tiane-discord/extension/index.ts. Look for this line:

    const discordChannel = ""; // Insert channel for the discord bot here

    Put the channel ID of a discord channel where you want to talk to TIANE between the quotation marks. See here to find out how to get a channel ID.

  2. Run npm run build in the main nodecg-io directory.

  3. Edit the file server/TIANE_config.json on your TIANE server:

        "websocket": "enabled",
        "websocket_port": 19526,
        "websocket_timeout": 20

    Make sure websocket is either set to enabled or secure and set a port of your desire.

  4. In the NodeCG dashboard, create a new TIANE service instance.

  5. Enter address of the TIANE-Server. Enter host and port you just set in server/TIANE_config.json in this format:

        "address": ""

    After entering it, click save.

  6. Create a new Discord service instance.

  7. Set the sample's (tiane-discord) dependencies to be the newly created service instances (of type tiane & discord).

  8. Ping your discord bot in the channel you set in the first step and ask TIANE something.