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Shlink sample

The Shlink example bundle in samples/shlink-list-short-urls demonstrates the ability to control a Shlink server by getting the amount of short URLs configured on the server. Here is a guide on how to get it working.


You will need a working nodecg-io installation. If you have non yet take a look at installation guide. You may need to install this bundle, so take a look at the “Try an included sample”-Guide. It will also tell you how to log in and how to use the GUI.

You also need:

  1. In NodeCG, create a new Shlink service instance.
  2. Enter the configuration for Shlink:

        "url": "",
        "apiKey": "1ae89449-f8d2-4b44-baf7-dd7eb0b05017"

    After entering it, click save.

  3. Set the sample's (shlink-list-short-urls) dependency to be the newly created service instance (of type shlink).

  4. Check the NodeCG logs:

    You should see an error or a success message and the amount of configured short URLs on the Shlink server.


    When listing short URLs — like this sample does — be aware that the amount of short URLs might be limited by the API key role.