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Art-Net sample

Using the Art-Net sample bundle

The Art-Net example bundle in samples/artnet-console demonstrates the ability send data via Art-Net to e.g., open lighting architecture or professional lighting equipment. Here is a guide to how to get it working. The underlying service is using jeffreykog/node-artnet-protocol as its library.


You will need a working nodecg-io installation. If you have non yet take a look at installation guide. You may need to install this bundle, so take a look at the “Try an included sample”-Guide. It will also tell you how to log in and how to use the GUI.

You also need:

  • A working Art-Net Node in the current network

Configure the Art-Net sample bundle

  1. In NodeCG, create a new Art-Net service instance.
  2. Enter the host to witch the service should broadcast:


    The broadcast address the Art-Net library will use to send dmx packages.

        "host": ""

    After entering it, click save.


    You may overwrite this broadcast address in code with client.bind("host address");.

  3. Set the sample's (artnet-console) dependency to be the newly created service instance (of type artnet).

  4. Check the NodeCG logs. You should see data logged.


Receiving DMX data

client.onDMX((dmx) => {
    // dmx contains an ArtDmx object,;

The data you receive has the following fields:

declare class ArtDmx {
    opcode: number;
    protocolVersion: number;
    sequence: number;
    physical: number;
    universe: number;
    data: number[];
    constructor(sequence: number, physical: number, universe: number, data: number[]);
    isSequenceEnabled(): boolean;
    static decode(data: Buffer): ArtDmx;
    toString(): string;
    encode(): Buffer;

Sending DMX data

// send new data every 0,8 seconds.
// This is the official timing for re-transmiting data in the artnet specifciation.
setInterval(() => {
        values // number[] of values for each of the 512 channels
}, 800);


Since neither this library nor nodecg-io currently contains an abstraction that abides the timings specified by the specification, it is important for your implementation to respect this part of the specification:

However, an input that is active but not changing, will re-transmit the last valid ArtDmx packet at approximately 4-second intervals. (Note. In order to converge the needs of Art- Net and sACN it is recommended that Art-Net devices actually use a re-transmit time of 800ms to 1000ms). — Art-Net 4 Specification p. 48